Leaders and organizers of color across the environmental movement are experiencing deep burnout in ways that are a systemic barrier our collective ability to confront the climate crisis. To address this, we offer resources for care and repair.

The Community Care & Repair Space is for individuals seeking community within the climate movement. We will support you in assessing your need and strategizing your next, best move, including paid sabbaticals, retreat opportunities for teams, and tools to develop internal policies of rest practice.


care TO repair retreat

An annual in person space for advocates, activists, organizers and leaders to practice rest collectively. We convene to interrogate the harm of the present day work culture and to interrupt our corporate habits. In the three years since we first began our practice, we have learned a great deal about what we need to heal.

We gathered for our first retreat in spring ‘22. Read an overview of the retreat from our friends at ATMOS here.

Sign up below to be notified when the next Care & Repair Retreat is announced.


“Sets my year up with intentional rest and thoughtful joy .. “

“This retreat offers a space for reflection, authentic fellowship and relaxation for women that leads to restoration.”

“The climate crisis stretches the juxtaposition of planetary urgency with issues of sustainability for those of us in the ecosystem of movements and organizations working for climate justice. Climate Critical is the laboratory cooking up methods, solutions, concoctions, and spells for holistic sustainability in this work. The process is so experiential that I couldn’t quite grasp it until I was at the retreat and in the lab. The potential here is incredible."

“This retreat felt like a deep exhale. The itinerary was well organized, with a good amount of structured and unstructured time, intellectual discussion and just joyful relaxation and play. I will be experiencing the impact of this retreat for a long time to come.

“The first Care to Repair retreat set an incredible precedent for how we can invest in care and healing for Black women at the level that we need, and incorporate deep reflection and relationship building that sustains our ongoing work."

“Because of structural racism and sexism, we know that if women of color and specifically Black women can thrive in a community, then it’s likely that everyone can. So the decision to prioritize Black women in Climate Critical is not only a move for justice, it is crucial to the process of applicability for all."

“It has taken me a while to wrap my mind around what Climate Critical is doing, because it is so meta and profound. In the 90s, I went to an event and I heard the following phrase: ‘I want to find rest in the work not just rest from the work.’ It has stayed with me all this time."



A voice on the other end of the phone, if you need a listening ear.